Business Merchant Account

Small Business Merchant Account Rates
Business Merchant Account Types
A business merchant account will fall into this category if all of their transactions are based through a website online. Accounts such as this one involve a large amount of support and security due to the nature of the internet. The accounts are often opened through a bank utilizing an online form and are a great help for businesses that have no physical store front.
Online Merchant Accounts
Business merchant accounts fall under this category if they have a physical store front, but also have a website that includes a catalog from which goods can be ordered online. Businesses in this category are able to reach a more broad range of clients along with their local customers that come into their store. For better merchant account rates check more merchant account providers and find cheap merchant accounts.
Offshore Merchant Accounts:
A business may choose this type of merchant account as another option to high risk merchant accounts. They are often more likely to offer more reasonable merchant account rates, due to operating outside the guidelines of U.S. regulations, also offering a bit more privacy. These types of accounts are geared more towards a high sales volume due to their lack of limits as well. Find best merchant account for your business and start accepting cards today.
High-risk Merchant Accounts:
High Risk Merchant Accounts are for businesses who have had a large amount of chargebacks or offer services such as adult entertainment, online gambling, travel, pharmaceuticals, or online paycheck assistance. Companies classes under this category are often asked to pay a higher fee due to a common occurrence of charge disputes.
Which Merchant Account suits both small and large businesses
After reviewing the types of business merchant accounts available, each business must consider which type they may fall into. Many businesses both large and small can benefit from each type of merchant account. Those that fall into the high-risk area can be easily drawn by an Offshore Merchant Account instead, due to the lack of volume limits. These accounts allow for a high volume of sales, offer tax benefits, operate outside U.S. credit card regulations, and offer a higher amount of privacy for the business, making it an appealing choice for a business merchant account.