A Merchant services scam can happen to anyone. The last thing you would want to happen is for your merchant services provider to confiscate your funds without warning. The most common merchant services scam is attaching hidden fees. Usually providers will put terms in the contract that revoke your right to dispute these fees. Watch out for websites that use sub domain web addresses. Scammers are less likely to buy a full domain, as authorities can track them much easier. They will create a fake website using a sub domain, and trick you into divulging your personal information. Another type of scam preys on merchants looking for the lowest prices. Once the merchant applies for an account, the provider will charge a huge installment fee. Then they will quickly close their site, and all the contact information they provided will become unavailable. One of the most devious scams that can happen takes place when a provider installs malicious code into your website. After you have taken orders for a while, they activate the code and steal all of your clients’ credit card numbers. Luckily, there are many resources available to help keep you safe from amerchant services scam.
Merchant Services Reviews and merchant services complaints.
Merchant services complaints and merchant services reviews are your best defense against a merchant services scam. Look for merchant services reviews written by fellow peers, and companies. A few minutes searching for merchant services reviews on the internet can show any problems a merchant services provider might cause. There are many websites that show rating systems of various merchant service providers. Companies that have experience dealing with providers can grade them on different attributes such as ease of access, start-up fees, customer service, and monthly fees. You can look up complaints on the better business bureau. While any search engine can give you detailed information about a particular company, it is important that your information come from a trusted source. More places to look for potential complaints would be forums or bulletin boards. Users that have used merchant services can contact one another to exchange information about service providers. Keep an eye out for anything that seems out-of-place.